Just the way, you would be kind and nice to a stranger or your friends, make the effort to be gentle to yourself. Have manners with yourself!
Be Nice to Yourself
Be polite and courteous to yourself. When you meet someone for the first time, you are polite. When your friend confides in you about something not going right, you let her lean on your shoulder. You tell her she’s a fabulous person and that everything is going to be just alright.
Do the same things for yourself.
Tell Yourself You’re Pretty Enough
Too many women say they’re not pretty enough. If only I had a penny for every single time, I would’ve been a millionaire! You are beautiful and unique. All it takes is for you to realize your own beauty. It is a feeling rather than a physicality.
When you start feeling beautiful, you’ll start to find others feeling the same about you. Your presence will radiate this beauty to others.
Tell Yourself You’re Smart Enough
You are a smart woman. Every day, you are working, taking care of loved ones, and making the best of the opportunities coming your way. You are giving your best shot and that certainly speaks volumes on your intelligence and character.
Once you realize this, you’ll begin to see yourself in a new light. You’ll have a healthy self-esteem and you’ll also notice how others begin to behave differently around you with more respect.
How are you nice and kind to yourself? Please share with me in the comments.

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