One of the biggest lessons I learned this year was to pay sharp attention to my thoughts. I had decided I wanted to change my reality. I spent many nights sleeping late and wondering why others had the happiness and peace of mind I was searching for. I often thought why others have success in their lives.
How did other people have happy and peaceful lives?
It led me on an inner journey. The most important thing I learned was: Our thoughts attract our reality.
When I first heard this, I didn’t care much. I thought to myself: Really, this is what I came to learn through a self-development program I did. I had heard about the Law of Attraction vaguely, but was never inclined to dive into it.
I Decided to Keep an Open Heart
Many things had unraveled in my family. I was tired of living the life I had been. Even if it was something I didn’t fully believe in, I decided I was going to keep an open heart. I was going to give this a chance.
After all, what option did I have? What’s the most that could happen? That my life would change and I would actually be happy and peaceful.
Well, that certainly was an Incentive…
The first thing I learned was: Your thoughts have power.
All the times you said you were not smart enough or you didn’t have enough money. Or you weren’t worthy of true love. Your thoughts were perpetuating your reality.
Your Thoughts Are Like an Order to the Restaurant
Every thought you have is like an order to the restaurant. The restaurant is the Universe. Whatever you think of, the Universe will bring you exactly that. You may believe if you want something, you should make a wish for it. But in reality, you’ll get more of what you don’t want.
I’ll give you an example. If you think about becoming rich, then you will attract lack. Why is that? Because you are thinking of not having it in the present and now.
If you want something, then FEEL IT. BE IT.
If you feel being wealthy, then you will actually attract more wealth. You are giving the Universe a clear signal to shower you with more wealth. Feel the feeling. Allow yourself to feel and drench all your senses. Imagine with vivid detail what it would be like to have something at that very moment.
Try this practice: Before going to sleep, imagine vividly what it would be like to be rich. Or happy. You can choose anything you wish for. Feel it, smell it, touch it, taste it, and see it.
Remove the Negativity and Create Space
If you are serious about attracting what you want, then I highly suggest you remove all the negativity from your life. This starts from the words you speak. Be conscious about what you speak. Pay extra attention to your words. Once you are aware, you’ll catch things you say even subconsciously.
Change your words and start saying more positive things. It’s alright if you don’t believe it at first. Get into the habit. Pretty soon, you’ll start to become used to it and actually feel the vibrational energy of the words.
Another thing you can do is create space. This means actually letting go of people and things in your life that no longer serve you. Let things and people fall apart from your life. This will create space for what you want to attract to enter your life.
What thoughts do you think? How do you feel it is affecting your reality? Please share with me in the comments

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