I see people in my family and friends who are engrossed in the past too much to even realize their present is in their hands. And that is a powerful thing.
When you see your present as a beautiful gift, you’ll realize how things falling apart led the way for beautiful things to enter your life. In other words: when one door closes, another door opens.
Related: Pay Off Bills – Make Room for Money and Greatness to Enter Your Life
Be Aware of Your Thoughts
The only way you can see a new door opening is to be aware of your thoughts. Think about what you’re thinking. If you’re living in the past and focusing on things not working in the past or even in the now, then you’re not allowing yourself to take full advantage of your present.
Remember your external world is an exact reflection of your internal self.
Let Go of the Past
Forgive yourself and move on. Allow yourself to move forward. Let go of the past. Your present is like sand that keeps slipping past your fingers. The greatest people in history have had the most interesting, unique, and even painful histories and backgrounds. But instead of letting it paralyze their growth, they took it and flipped it around to their greatest benefit and happiness.
Realize Your Present is in Your Hands
I heard this over and over in my life. But this aha moment came to me only this year. Every second you spent not coming from a loving and peaceful place, you are not living life to the fullest.
What do you take away from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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