My friends ask me how I get so many things done even while keeping incredibly busy. To tell you the truth, I was not organized at all when I was younger. My energy was scattered and as a result, everything else in my life was scattered.
But then Something Clicked in My Mind
As I grew older, specifically around college time, I realized I couldn’t be one of those people who could juggle a million things at the same time. So I changed my working style.
I started to pick a few things and focused on completing them to the best of my ability.
Pick Your Most Important Priorities
As I go through my weeks and months, I pick the most important tasks. For example: this week, I wanted to complete two quizzes that I am providing as free gifts on my website. Another task I wanted to focus on was making a list of radio stations to target for marketing my novel.
Next week, I’m making a list of television stations I can target. But if I tried to do this week, I wouldn’t have been able to do it well, so I decided to leave this for next week.
Complete Important Tasks First, before Moving to the Next Ones
I complete the tasks I have chosen first, before moving to the next. Otherwise, I’m just all over the place. Obviously, sometimes life happens, and my priorities do change, but having an order helps me focus.
Keep a Monthly and Annual Checklist
I evaluate what are the most important tasks to be completed every month. Towards the end of the year or beginning part of the year, I make a list of overall things to focus on for the year. Of course, sometimes they change, but it helps me keep focused and I’m more aware of my progress.
How do you get things done? What is your style of managing tasks? Please share with me in the comments.

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