I would be lying if I said I had dealt with all the challenging experiences in my life smoothly. Let’s face it. Life sometimes is definitely not easy. Situations happen beyond our control.
See the Blessing
The last couple years, many such experiences erupted in my life. My initial reaction? Why is this happening to me? How come it keeps happening to me? What did I ever do?
It was a victim mindset and I trapped myself in this vicious cycle of self-doubt, fear, and confusion. I lived my life for several years in this fear-driven way.
Until one fine day, I stumbled upon many blogs and websites. In their own eloquent, unique ways, they all essentially stated the same message: Your external world is an exact reflection of your internal self.
Related: My Friend Wrote Letters of Forgiveness to Everyone in Her Past
Opportunity for Change
This message hit me like a pile of bricks. Something just clicked in my head. I had to change how I was feeling inside in order to change my circumstances.
So I went on a mission. I looked back on every challenging experience in my life and instead of viewing it as a roadblock, I saw it as an opportunity for change.
All these experience were calling out to me that something needed to be changed inside me. That I was not living my life according to my truth.
Contributes to Your Growth
I started saying affirmations and I started doing a lot of reading on how to clear my mental blocks. I started to see the patterns in my thinking that created my self-belief in my lack of happiness, money, etc.
I had flipped those opportunities as moments for change and adopted a new self-belief. I saw the hidden blessing in these challenging experiences.
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