I understand most of us do not have the luxury to wake up whenever we want or take off on a vacation to relax. Even if that’s the lifestyle you would like at some point in your life but are not quite there, there are other ways to to make your mind peaceful and calming.
Slow Down During Meal Time
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are meant for relaxing and nourishing the body. But if you live a crazy life like many on this planet, you’re probably rushing through these precious meal times.
No matter how busy, five minutes of eating your meal in peace is not going to take away from your schedule.
Eating Slowly and Heartily
I work from home and my schedule gets super packed at times. I used to rush through my meals and eat while working at my desk.
Now, I take each bite of my meal slowly and don’t rush through them. I make meals that nourish my body and heart. For example: I throw in a lot of fruits and vegetables into my meals. I make sure I have a glass of a water or milk as well.
Do Not Do Anything Else While Eating
I have now adopted the practice of eating away from my desk and turning off any distractions. I don’t even turn on the television because I want to enjoy every bite. It may only be five minutes of eating, but when I get back to work, I feel rejuvenated.
Related: The 5 Secrets of Happiness I Learned from my Pet Dog Raja
How do you use your meal time? Do you have any suggestions to make it a calming time? Please share with me in the comments!

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