I discovered this year that I must stop pretending to live my life the way the I think I should and start living it the way I want to. I’ve learned there is a major difference between what people do and want to do.
Are You Owning Your Desire?
One of the most challenging things I did was admitting to myself what my desires were. When you’re a child, this is the simplest thing ever in the world. If you want to play, you play. If you’re thirsty, you drink water. If you want to smile, you smile. Life is beautiful.
Why can’t life be this way when you become an adult? Why do you become so afraid?
I Have Been Observing Myself Like a Detached Spectator
Every time I want to really do something and I don’t do it, I observe from a distance and let my head do all the talking. All that talking that’s trying to get my heart out of what it wants.
You know, all those excuses… It’s not logical. It’s crazy. You can’t be happy. This is what everyone does.
The list goes on and on….
It’s because who are you to feel worthy. Who are you to live your life the way you want? Who are you to be happy? Now I ask myself the question: Who am I not to be happy? Who am I not to be successful? The next time I want to do something, I’m just going to do it anyway.
What is your experience in stepping up and owning your desires? Please share with me in the comments.

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