A huge lesson I learned in the midst of all the chaotic things that happened in my life the past couple years is: The importance of finding long-term solutions.
Stop With the Temporary Band-Aid Solutions
Over and over, this seemed to shout at me in my love life, professional life, and finances. I saw it play out in my family so many times. When things exploded in my family’s faces right after my father had a stroke, I wish I could say that everything happened out of the blue.
But I Would just be Lying…
I wanted to throw my hands in the air and ask God why he was doing this to me and my family. I did do this many times. I can smile about it now, but at the time, it was an intense period in my life. I was too busy doing and barely had time to eat food, so forget about thinking.
I was trying to manage my family’s convenience store business while working full-time and making calls to somehow get insurance coverage for my dad. It was chaos.
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I Dived Deep into My Heart
Until much later, I found time to reflect. I realized everything occurring was the making of several years. It was the collective thoughts of me and my family. We barely uttered anything positive and never dealt with anything. I finally noticed my family was only searching for short-term band aid solutions.
We were happy temporarily, before something else occurred. This year, I made it my mission to deal with all my fears head on and find long-term solutions. To stare at everything so clearly and face all our fears so daringly, that I could transform my and my family’s lives for only the better.
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