Sacred Union is the higher state of the divine masculine and divine feminine being merged and united into one. Sacred Union occurs between two souls and lovers who become one and their divine masculine and divine feminine unite and elevate them into a higher state of love, compassion, romance, and surrender.
Similarly, everyone has a masculine and feminine energy within them. Yin and yang. Dark and light. Light and shadow. Throughout this exploration, we have focused on connecting to our sensuality, erotic woman, and divine feminine, while at the same time tapping into our masculine energy to take action, drive our soul’s master plan and destiny, and move forward with a gentle trust.
As this is the last pillar and wraps up my Wildly Intimate Deep Self-Inquiry and Exploration, I asked myself these questions and dove deep into my soul and heart to receive the answers my Wildly Intimate Woman wanted me to know.
DO: What is masculine energy? How does this masculine energy dance with my feminine energy? What are the results and outcome of this deep self-inquiry? How sexy do I become? How happy and fulfilled do I become? How comfortable do I become with the uncomfortable? How do I allow myself to be seen and visible more in the Universe?
How do I welcome more love and abundance into my life? How creative do I become? How erotic and sensual do I become? Who is my Wildly Intimate Woman? How does she feel? What does she do? How does she transform?
What does my Wildly Intimate Woman want to release, embrace, honor, manifest, and change in the following areas: MONEY, LOVE, SEX/DESIRE, HOME, HEALTH (Spiritual, Emotional, Physical), CREATIVE IDEAS, CAREER/JOB, FAMILY/FRIENDS, SELF-CARE.
Embracing Masculine Energy
I know so much about feminine energy, so I wanted to explore what masculine energy is and how it fits with my feminine energy. To me, masculine energy is about pure strength and generosity. About providing support from a place of love and kindness. It’s being direct and aggressive and yet deeply vulnerable and emotional and sensitive. This energy is straightforward and decisive.
Divine masculine energy is a leader. It does what is best for its highest good and yet takes the highest good and interest of others, too. It is competitive and possessive and magnetic and incredibly sexy. It is deep, real, honest, and realistic. Divine masculine energy takes ownership and accepts its flaws and supports the feminine energy. Thus feminine energy must be open, surrendering, and deeply trusting and receptive.
The Results and Outcome of Becoming More Wildly Intimate
I felt more wildly intimate and connected to my body’s wisdom, soul’s messages, heart’s desires and feelings, and my mind’s belief system and thoughts. I learned and explored the deep connection between my mind, body, heart, and soul and learned to embody more of who I want and desire to be.
I’ve manifested deep love, peace, abundance (including financial), and joy into my life. On a deeper level, I’ve begun to truly embody my wildly intimate energy and be Priyanka Yadvendu and be magnetic in my energetic flow.
I feel way sexier. Some of this as been through outward external actions like buying and wearing lingerie, garter belt, makeup, dresses, perfume that helped me to embody my Wildly Intimate Woman on a physical level. Yet it’s a deeper feeling than that. I feel naturally very sexy in my own body now. Sometimes, I now stare at myself in the mirror and feel exquisitely beautiful. I feel like an erotic Goddess and revel in my uniqueness.
I’ve also become comfortable with the uncomfortable. It feels easier to move out of my comfort zone because I know this is where my true transformation and growth is as a Wildly Intimate Woman. I’ve leaned into my bold and fierce and sensual and sexy energy. I’ve accepted my flaws and body the way I am and my fantasies and even my darkness. I allow myself to be quirky and intriguing and mysterious.
I allow myself to be soft, bold, sexy, vulnerable, and feminine. I allow myself to be soft and passive, and yet honor my boundaries. I allowed my book Enchanted Silence to be seen and I reached out to book clubs and finally added the link on my website for viewers and readers to buy my book. This is something that I had been avoiding for some time because deep down I was scared of putting myself out there.
I receive masculine energy and support with joy and let men gaze and admire me and hold space for me. I feel worthy for simply being myself and my deep inner and outer beauty. In terms of my self-pleasure practice, I’ve also surrendered and given myself permission to fully express myself through all my senses and wildly deep feminine sexuality.
Sharpening My Manifesting Skills By Embodying My Wildly Intimate Woman
Becoming and embodying my Wildly Intimate Woman energy has honed and sharpened my manifesting skills and knowledge. I’ve appreciated what I have and seen abundance in that. I’ve become deeply present because in true real rooted presence, fears are not there and joy takes their place.
I’ve manifested the perfect decorations and furniture for my apartment, more money, sexual energy, masculine attention and support, raise at work (yay!), creative ideas for my Wildly Intimate business, the perfect money coach to work with, and even clients who wish to work with me 🙂
Through my journaling, release rituals, and sensuality and self-pleasure practice and rituals, my creativity has blossomed. Through moments of stillness and space in my life by doing what brings me joy like napping, meditating, cooking, writing, reading, yoga, aimless driving and walking, and being in nature, I receive visions and flashes of creative ideas, books/blogs and resources to tap into for insight and knowledge, all the while feeling guided and supported to let my Wildly Intimate business prosper and bring clients to me who want to work with me.
Who is My Wildly Intimate Woman?
My Wildly Intimate Woman is the woman who merges her divine feminine, sexuality, intuition, and manifesting powers to become wildly intimate with every part of her being (mind, body, heart, and soul). She is the Queen and Diva and Sensualist who revels in her sexuality, erotic power and magical intuition, and even in her vulnerability. She has deep strength and honors her boundaries and sovereignty, and yet has compassion for herself and others.
She dresses in feminine, soft dresses and fabrics, and wears kohl on her deep brown eyes that cause them to sparkle like beautiful twinkling diamonds. Her lips have nude lip gloss and light blush on her cheeks. Her coffee brown skin is flawless and glowing. Her flowing curly long hair is let loose falling on her shoulders, other times, it is gently wrapped up in a sexy bun.
She adorns herself with simple jewelry (earrings, rings, necklace) that make an elegant statement. She is fiercely sexy and her eye’s gaze is seductive and vulnerable. She moves her body with grace. This woman is me. And I’ve decided to embody more of her energy on a physical, emotional, and mental level every moment.
How does she feel? Well, she has emotional depth and feels all her emotions deeply and accepts them unapologetically. She lets the emotions move through her body like the waves of the ocean and bring her messages of inner guidance and sparks of intuition from her soul. She transforms by making peace with her past and releasing it, so she can bring her focus and full energy and presence in the moment in front of her to feel, be, and do as she desires in the moment in front of her.
She transforms by giving herself the gift of freedom to be wild and intimate and most of all, facilitates her own transformation. Ultimately, she takes ownership and responsibility for herself and her life and actions.
And lastly, here is what my Wildly Intimate Woman wants to release, embrace, honor, manifest, and change in the following areas:
MONEY: Let go of her past and old beliefs surrounding money, especially beliefs she’s picked up in her childhood and from family. She wants to enjoy money and see money as a way to fulfill her desires and facilitate other young women’s transformation. To also save money in her bank accounts as a form of deep self-love. Work with a Money Coach to receive more abundance into her life.
LOVE: To love herself deeply in every moment and allow her man to deeply love and care for her and hold space for her. To marry her husband in a beautiful and wildly intimate wedding and have a happy, joyful marriage.
SEX/DESIRE: To own her sexuality and let herself move on her own pace in her sexual exploration and journey. Work with the jade egg more and have deep, fulfilling sex.
HOME: To love and enjoy her place and appreciate where she is living and see it as deep abundance being reflected in her life.
HEALTH (Spiritual, Emotional, Physical): Emotionally take care of herself. Allow herself to feel all her emotions and process them, no matter how intense or raw. Spiritually, connect to her self through the practice of meditation. Physically, love her body and embrace her inner seductress and take care and heal her foot so she can exercise and wear high heels and be more sexually active.
CREATIVE IDEAS: Implement her creative ideas. Allow herself to be seen and fully expressed through her creative visions and Wildly Intimate business.
CAREER/JOB: Fully appreciate her job and her team and managers. To feel joy even in tasks that she doesn’t necessarily want to do. To be fully present in her job and create space for her Wildly Intimate business to prosper at the same time.
FAMILY/FRIENDS: Make time for her friends and family. Spend time with her family on Sunday’s and be more emotionally intimate with them. Share her feelings with them. Allow herself to be vulnerable with her family and friends, and yet at the same time honor her boundaries and space.
SELF-CARE: Take care of herself on a deep level on a daily basis and not wait until her inner wells aren’t filled up. To constantly fill her inner well up so she is overflowing with joy and happiness and can manifest magically and embody her Wildly Intimate Woman more deeply. This means taking relaxing baths, eating healthy (even eating “junk food” sometimes if her body craves it and not judging herself), napping, watching television and movies, reading, hiking, being in nature, exercising, dressing sexily, dancing, journaling, writing, massages, and being present with her family and friends.
Thank you so much for joining me on this Wildly Intimate Deep Self-Inquiry and Exploration. This officially completes this experience. I can’t believe how much I’ve enjoyed this journey and exploration and I truly appreciate your support throughout.
Lots of Love,
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