“I think I deserve something beautiful.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love
My heart melted when I read this quote. Isn’t it true? Don’t we all deserve something beautiful in life? But the strange thing is that this beauty does not come to us until we don’t feel we deserve it.
Not Settling for Second Best
I used to think that I should settle for what’s good for me because that was all available for me at the time. I used to feel that I should do things to get by. But is that really living your life fully?
The truth is I want the most beautiful and meaningful people and things in my life. That will happen only when I stop settling for second best.
Start Expecting Only Extraordinary…
One thing I have changed is that I expect only the best for myself. I want to spend every moment doing what I love and doing it the best I can.
I want to be with a man who is absolutely perfect for me. He is my intellectual equal and makes me laugh. In order words, he must inspire me to bring out my best and vice versa.
The Magic Will Then Happen
Magical things will happen to you when you start believing. I witnessed this myself. I noticed the perfect person, job, or opportunity present itself to me at the perfect moment.
Go to the mirror and look at yourself. Ask yourself: Why don’t I deserve something beautiful? You do, darling! When you do, you’ll see all that magic start happening in your life.
Related: When I Told a Guy I Liked Him in College – My Experience
Do you believe you deserve something beautiful in life? Please share with me in the comments!

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