The way you see yourself and your belief system determines your reality. I have said this many times, but it fundamentally boils down to this: Your external world is an EXACT reflection of your inner self.
I saw dramatic shifts in my own life when I understood this. And the only way to do this is to look at yourself, analyze your belief system, and build your self confidence and worth.
Adopt a Positive Attitude toward Yourself
How do you perceive yourself? What do you think about yourself? Physically? Emotionally? Intellectually? Think about your answers to these questions. Do you feel you can do no wrong? Or rather do you feel you do nothing right? Do you put yourself down?
Start being kind and friendly towards yourself. As cheesy as it sounds, believe in your own worth. Because if you don’t, no one else will.
Observe Your Responses Like an Outsider
After you answer your questions, observe your behavior and responses for some time. Take a couple days or even a few weeks. Look at yourself like a stranger would. You’ll start to see patterns in the way you respond.
Trust Your Feelings
Whenever you feel an emotion, don’t dismiss it. Embrace your emotion fully. There’s nothing wrong with your emotions. It’s more about how you respond and deal with your emotions that is the key to whether your behavior is healthy or not. Understand why you feel what you feel.
Tell Yourself You Matter and Forgive Yourself
If you don’t have a positive belief system, then you can break that cycle after you’ve realized your belief patterns. Let go of the reasons and experiences that triggered your internal programming. Forgive yourself.
Be Comfortable with Being Vulnerable and Making Mistakes
Forgiveness is the only way to move forward because you let the toxic emotions vanish. Allow yourself to be alright with feeling a range of emotions. Be comfortable with making mistakes, it’s the only way to grow.
Do you have any tips to share? What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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