2014 is about to wrap up and 2015 is approaching. The year has surely flown by. As I grow older every year, one thing that enters my mind more and more now is that my parents are growing older along with me. This thought scares me and I am making it more of a priority to spend time with my mother and father.
Here are the things I am thankful to them for:
Cooking Delicious Meals
My mother being the best cook ever! Whatever I wanted whenever I wanted I got. Even today, when I go home, my mother cooks my favorite mouth-watering dishes! My father also sweetly asks me all the time what I want to eat. When I was a kid, my father made the best barbeque chicken and vegetables EVER!
Their Endless Lectures…
I have skipped class or not done my homework and my father has sat me down and given me the longest lectures. When American parents grounded their children, I desperately wanted my dad to do the same. But instead, from morning to night, he rambled on and on about how he was a kid in India…
Today, I look back and laugh at these fond memories.
Attending My School Conferences
At the time, I always secretly prayed my dad would somehow magically forget about the student-teacher conferences during Thanksgiving. But he ALWAYS remembered going to them! Today, I realize I was very fortunate to have a father who cared about my education and took the time to attend these events.
Going Crazy if Some One Uttered Anything About Us…
My parents have reprimanded me a lot. They know exactly what my flaws are. They know I can be stubborn. But if anyone outside dare uttered a word against their precious daughter, all claws out! No one can anything to me, except for them!
What do you appreciate about your parents? Please share with me in the comments!

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