The best way to invite more magic and money into your life is by letting go of limiting beliefs. What are limiting beliefs? They are the beliefs you have been holding dear to your heart for years and years without even realizing. Or maybe you do realize it. As you start to let go of these long held beliefs, you’ll start to notice a shift in your world. Changes will happen. Breakthroughs will come at lightning speed.
In my private mentoring practice, one of the first things I learn about my clients is what their limiting beliefs are. What do they believe about money? About love? About life? About relationships?
You can do a free hand write or stream on paper and let a couple days go by. Then, pick up what you wrote and read it. Notice what jumps out at you. What emotions do you feel? How do you feel in your body? Notice the sensations that run through your body.
Some beliefs you may have about money, love, life in general: Good things don’t happen to me. I have to work hard to make money. I don’t deserve large sums of money. Every guy I date doesn’t end up in marriage.
Whether you know it or not and whether you like it or not :), these beliefs are literally running your life on autopilot. You blindly accept these beliefs and never question them. You don’t even realize that you’re believing them most of the time!
Your actions are taken from this place, too. When you have these beliefs, you may not even interview for the job you really, really want. You may not give a chance to the guy you’re seeing who makes your heart skip a beat. You may not treat your money with respect and look at what you have as a beautiful source of abundance.
It’s perfectly normal to have these beliefs because most of these beliefs stem from society and childhood and the world we live in. I want you know that you absolutely have a choice to live your life as you wish. The easiest way to create breakthroughs and lasting transformation in your life and especially invite money and magical miracles is to upgrade your mindset.
In Enchanted Silence, Shivani transforms her life when she lets go of her past and limiting beliefs. When she chooses new beliefs. Like she deserves to be happy in her relationship. She is worthy of doing work that fulfills her. She treats herself with kindness and takes concrete steps to be happy in her life, all the while with a whole lot of support from Alan Nicolaisen.
This way is easy, however does require work and consistency. It is a moment to moment practice guided by your feminine energy and intuition weaved with masculine energy-oriented steps and process.
- The first step is to go through the major events in your life and write them down. Writing this down is incredibly important because many memories and events may be hidden in your subconscious. Writing them will cause them to come to the surface in this process.
- The second step is to go through the events and experiences, one by one. Read them like a biography.
- Forgive yourself and other people if any for these experiences. You forgive yourself for the belief you had at the time and may still have and the experience. You let it go. I make this a ritual. I I light candles and play music that suits my emotional mood at the time and burn the paper. Again, this is your letting go and forgiveness ritual, so do it your way.
- Lastly, allow your body and mind to integrate. A day or two or even three should be good. Sometimes, I’ve needed a full week. Be gentle and kind to yourself. You will notice a space being created deep in you and you will suddenly feel you’re not as attached to the belief and story. This may even feel sad somewhat because you’re letting go the attachment.
- Hang in there! Because then you will write down your new belief and story. And read it. Make a ritual out of this. When you work with me privately, I’ll support you to go even deeper. We’ll go over how you can exactly weave this into proactive action steps and create sensual rituals and practices to support your new story to invite more money and miracles.
Sensual Practices: Pleasure is important to cultivate when you want to invite money and magical miracles into your life. Pleasure helps you to go deep in your body and feel joy. It lets you enjoy life and you relax and open up. Do things that bring you pleasure. And especially make time for your self-pleasure practice. This may sound strange, yet I tell you this worked beautifully for me.
Before your self-pleasure practice, create an intention that states how you want to feel when you receive more money and miracles. For example: I am worthy of receiving money with ease. Or simply: I am worthy. Love yourself during your practice like you would to a lover. Sexual energy is life force energy and it sends a powerful message to the Universe to support you in your intention.
Intuitive Practices: Create pockets of stillness in your day to day life so there is space for your inner guidance to flow to you. This guidance will tell you what next step to take. Meditation may be the way to create this stillness, yet this is not the only way. It may be exercising or napping or cooking helps you to be still better.
If this post resonated with you and you’d like to invite more money, magic, and miracles into your life by upgrading your beliefs and mind set, please get in touch with me and schedule time with me to become more Wildly intimate with your desires and goals. I’d love to hold space for your own deep transformation, dear Wildly Intimate Woman.
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