Last week, I drove to Los Angeles with my best friend. We rented a car and made a full on road trip to LA. It started off being super foggy and cold when we left from the Bay Area, but as we approached LA, the weather was gorgeous.
I went to have a great time and also meet some friends. Usually, I have an agenda of things I want to do on a trip. But this time, I didn’t have anything planned except that I wanted to meet certain people.
Living in the Unknown
I started to get nervous halfway in the trip because I thought I wouldn’t get to meet everyone. And then I took a deep breathe and thought I’d just let go. I decided I would just relax and let whatever happen happen. I didn’t need to know all the details for my trip. I would just take it one moment at a time.
When we drove in the night to a bar in downtown LA, I noticed the LA skyline. A string of lights and towering buildings glowed in the night. It was breathtakingly beautiful. My friend was driving, so my eyes were glued to the skyline. I imagined living here and thought about the lives the people working in the buildings led.
I also realized how happy I felt. I enjoyed being in an exciting, vibrant city. I enjoyed not knowing what was going to happen. It held a degree of mystery. I felt alive.
Going with the Flow
We reached the bar and it was done up in elegant style. It was a Prohibition themed bar and the music was modern yet jazzy. It was just me, my best friend, and her friend. The three of us. An intimate group of people sharing a beautiful evening together. I felt myself loosen up and I walked with a bounce in my gait.
I thought to myself: I don’t care how I look or what is going on in my life, I’m going to have a freaking fabulous time here.
When You Ditch Your Plan – Beautiful Surprises Happen
Anything can change instantly. One moment you may be freaking out. The next minute, you may be feeling on top of the world. I embraced my feelings. When I felt irritated, then I would snap. Not the healthiest response, but I didn’t stop myself from trying to be perfect. When I didn’t want to talk, then I let silence fill the air. When I wanted to do something specific or eat something, I did it – feeling totally in the moment. I felt a true sense of connection with myself.
As we drove back to the Bay Area, my best friend spotted a rainbow. She said it was good luck. I think she was right. I’m feeling a brand new Priyanka emerge. The Priyanka who embraces the unknown and realizing happiness is my natural state of being.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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