This post is specifically directed towards the creative individuals. If you’re not a creative person, it can still be helpful to you, so read on!
Are You Looking to Tap into Your Creative Powers?
I get asked often how I managed to write a novel. To tell you the truth, I’m surprised at myself at times. I never thought I’d get this far. It took lots of patience, time, and perseverance to make it a reality.
I didn’t just sit down and the words fluttered out of my mind onto the page magically. Well on some rare days, that did happen! But for the most part, I simply rested myself on my chair and pounded out the words. Over time, I realized tapping into my creativity wasn’t just when the Gods intended for it to happen.
I Could Tap into My Magical Creativity in Several Ways.
I got myself in a relaxed state. I listened to music to get me in the perfect mood. I kept myself open and became still. I noticed what was around me and thought of past experiences. I tapped into those emotions and used them to write moving scenes and chapters.
I also took frequent breaks. If I wrote for an hour, then I got up and took a brisk walk outside. Other times, I flicked on the television and enjoyed the sitcom.
Most of all, I lived my life, so I could be a complete person and ultimately be a better writer.
How do you overcome your mind blocks to express your creativity? Please share with me in the comments.

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