Holidays are a joyous time to spend with your family and friends. But for some, it may not hold the same special meaning. It might bring up painful memories instead. Two years ago, after my family went through the painful experience of having our small convenience store business taken away, holiday season wasn’t the same.
Holidays Were A Scary, Bitter Time
No more decorating the tree and having a beautiful meal during Christmas. The New Year didn’t hold any promise. My parents became nervous and scared when the Holidays approached. The wounds from earlier were still fresh.
You Have to Face It and Be Your Own Friend
You can’t avoid the Holiday season. You have to confront your demons fully and head on. You must be like your own best friend, asking yourself how you’re feeling and being kind to yourself.
Make Yourself Busy
You can make your busy doing things you love and make you happy. If you like to write, then you can spend time writing. You can enjoy the Holiday with another family or friend. You can create your own traditions and version of the Holidays that works for you.
Focus on Your Blessings
Think about the wonderful things and people in your life. Instead of focusing on what happened or what you don’t have, pay attention to the goodness in your life.
Have you been in this situation before? Or do you know anyone in this situation? Please share with me in the comments.

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