When you’ve been seeing your man for a long time, the initial fireworks that flew can become soft and boring. I want to share some easy, practical tips on getting the fire burning again!
Compliment Him on His Looks
Tell him how sexy he looks. Compliment his eyes or chest. Insert whatever body part you want to here. Men love to be appreciated just as much as women do.
Tell Him How Sexy that New Jacket or Shirt Looks
Did he change up his style? Did he get a new jacket or shirt? Tell him how great he looks! Watch him smile and turn a little red.
Let Him Know Another Woman Checked Him Out
Besides showing you are secure and confident, it also lets him know he is desirable to the fairer sex. It boosts his confidence like crazy!
Initiate Sex or Love Making
Sometimes, men like to take the back seat and have the women take the lead. Does your man make the move usually? Then, switch it up! Why don’t you make a move on him and initiate love making? Maybe you can whisper in his ear how sexy he looks or kiss him lightly on the lips…
“You Are Right”
Men love to be told they are right. I have uttered these words to men and their faces just beamed with pride and happiness. Try it and watch the magic unfold!
How do you let your man know he is sexy? Please share with me in the comments.

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