Once I made the decision to strengthen my relationship with my inner guidance, I have noticed life opening up to me. I have noticed how my inner state has dramatically shifted to one of happiness and peace of mind.
It Wasn’t a Fleeting Happiness, But a Deep Sense of Serenity and Fulfillment
I think less and feel more now. Thoughts of fear and doubt still enter my mind, but I let them drift in and out comfortably. I am comfortable with them now. And so they don’t hold the same power as they did before.
I actively now slow down and breathe deeply so I can listen to what my heart is whispering to me. I don’t want this to be some random, sporadic occurrence anymore.
Your Heart is Special and Connected to Your Personal Power
Your mind is logical and analytical. It is strategic and rational. But is limited. Your heart is wild and free. Your heart is expansive and contains unlimited power and energy. Your heart dares to dream. It’s where desires bubble and though some desires seem impossible, your heart desires and dares to dream anyway.
Connecting to your heart is the best way to tap into this magical, beautiful inner guidance you have. Everyone has it, but few use it. Once you start to tune into this power, you’ll never want to live life any other way.
That loving energy will guide and support you every step of the way.
The Universe Drops You Notes
Every day, I am finding it easier to connect to that loving energy. And what’s interesting is that things and situations flow seamlessly and more effortlessly. I notice I manifest love, money, and opportunities into my life more easily.
But most of all, I notice that the Universe keeps dropping me notes that my inner guidance instantly picks up on. I don’t understand them sometimes, but I just go with it and let the note unfold to me in due time.
This may sound strange to some extent, but whenever I feel stumped or don’t know what direction to go in, I still myself and tune into my guidance. Random sentences, words, and images drift into my mind. I feel powerfully moved by feelings and sensations that rock my body. I pay close attention to the wisdom flowing to me.
When I wrote the healing and extremely baring article for Wild Sister Magazine, I remember reading a previous magazine and thinking I wanted to contribute to the magazine. In December, I looked at the guidelines. The theme for January was “Moving On.”
It was strange, but I didn’t fight the feeling. I felt a powerful sensation that it was a note from the Universe. It was time to talk about that store experience that had happened to my family openly and confront any discomforting feelings now. I had to let it go.
It was the Universe dropping me a note and telling me lovingly that I had to write about this experience even though I felt pangs of embarrassment and anxiety doing it. I wrote the article and though the decision to do it was more for myself, I received a beautiful response and am thankful for it.
Whenever you feel overwhelmed or confused, take a moment to still yourself. Stop thinking and over analyzing and instead drop into your body and feel its sensations and feelings deeply. Your voice will speak to you and provide you with wisdom, clarity, or answers. If it doesn’t come right away, then let yourself be. The answers will come to you eventually. I promise they will.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? How has the Universe dropped you notes? Please share with me in the comments!
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