One of the habits I have tried to ingrain in myself is writing in my gratitude journal right before going to sleep. I don’t do it every day, but every couple days I make it a point to write in my journal.
I brush my teeth, set my cup of herbal tea by my bed side, slip into my pajamas, and pull out my gratitude journal.
Makes Me Feel More Connected to Myself and the Universe
When I begin jotting down all the wonderful things in my life, I feel this stirring in my heart and soul. It’s my inner guidance whispering to me. I feel a genuine happiness and joy.
I feel the Universe has my back. I feel that everything is unfolding for my highest good. I trust that all the wonderful things are happening for a purpose.
Reminds Me of All the Greatness In My Life
It reminds me that I am capable of greatness. That I have the ability to live up to my highest potential. That I don’t have to settle for less.
My gratitude journal has reminded me of my inner light every time I’ve thumbed through the pages and read the things I wrote I was grateful for.
Reminds Me To Be Thankful
And, of course, it is a gentle reminder of all that I can be thankful for in my life!
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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