I have been finding my child-like, playful wonder, and curiosity vanishing this week. It’s only the start of the week and I am feeling exhausted. I work four days a week. I have Fridays off and pretty much do whatever to my heart’s content on the weekends.
But I am feeling drained. I am feeling tired. I have a pretty good idea what this is about. I am emotionally wiped out. I am feeling confused and nervous.
Play In Your World
When you get stuck in thinking and your fears, you don’t exhibit that playful attitude to life.
But when you start to let go of expectations and place trust in the unknown, you can play in your world with a light-hearted attitude.
You don’t have to be serious and take everything too seriously. You can have fun and find joy in your experiences.
Have a Child-Like Curiousity
So life doesn’t become a race. It’s a fun playground to experiment and explore. You start to have a child-like curiosity and marvel at everything, whether it’s outwardly good or not.
Explore and Have Adventures
Every day becomes an exciting adventure! So let go and fall in love with the present moment.
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