I came across this article: http://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/mom-makes-bullying-daughter-wear-old-thrift-store-141600231.html
“Someone not wanting to go to school anymore based off of something that one other little person said to them. I mean, that’s huge, that’s damaging.” – Ally, Stepmother of Daughter
When Ally heard her daughter was calling another student names and teasing her for her clothing, she took the matter in her own hands. She purchased thrift store outfits for her daughter to wear to school. She was called names and humiliated, and realized what she had done to her classmate.
Guide Your Children to Be Authentic and Emphatic
Though her strategy is unique and you may agree or not agree with it, there is no denying she taught her daughter a valuable lesson. Doing so, she ultimately enabled her daughter to put herself in another person’s shoes and develop human empathy.
Bullying is A Major Issue Today
Youngsters are going through it in college, high school, and even as early as in elementary school. This was a great example of a mother teaching her child bullying is wrong and making a change in her daughter while she is young.
Do you have any thoughts on bullying? Do you or know anyone else going through something similar? Please share with me in the comments.
* This blog post appeared originally on My Pure Intuition

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