Money is essentially energy. The amount of money that flows in and out of your life is directly linked to your thoughts and feelings about it. It’s kind of like the ocean’s waves, flowing in and out.
Money Was Linked to Fear in My Mind
I inherited this consciousness from my parents. My parents had a fear of money and I got some of this from them. I could barely look at my bank account and thought of it as a scarce resource.
I Changed My Beliefs About Money – Abundance
Instead of thinking of it as a limited supply available, I started to think of money as something abundant. There was more than enough at my fingertips.
I thought positive thoughts about money and said affirmations about manifesting money easily.
I Focused On Creating and Trusted the Money Would Come
Now I am focusing on embracing my desires. For example: I want to travel. I want to have lots of exciting, stimulating experiences. I want to market my novel to the best of my ability. I want to buy my own house eventually. I’m also looking to be an entrepreneur soon. All these things require money to some extent.
When I log into my bank account, I don’t cringe. I smile and feel happy. I trust that the money will come to fulfill all my desires. I don’t question how or why. I just know it’s coming and I’m going to simply focus on creating and making sure my ideas translate into brilliant experiences.
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