Have you heard of SAME Cafe? If you’re ever in Colorado, then check out this nonprofit community cafe located in Denver!
Its mission is: Serving good food for the greater good.
What a wonderful concept! This cafe is owned by Brad and Libby Birky who invested $30,000 in 2006. Since then, it has flourished and all their food is made with mostly local, organic food ingredients. Their belief that everyone should have the opportunity to eat healthy food coupled with their background in community service paved the way for SAME Cafe. Often, nutritious food is the most expensive and not accessible and affordable to everyone, particularly to those who need it the most.
How many people has it fed so far? 90,000 people!
Patrons who enter the restaurant can pay as they wish in an envelope, deeming how much they feel the meal was worth. In addition, they also accept an hour of work in exchange for a meal, which was made possible by Colorado laws that do not require a food handlers certificate for restaurant workers.
Hope you give this place a try if you’re in Colorado! Here’s their Official Website: http://www.soallmayeat.org/
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