Do you have Goddess energy? It has nothing to do with your looks, sexuality, and even personality. Goddess energy is deeper than that. It’s a way of thinking. It’s a way of living your life that comes from a place of self-love and respect.
Every Woman Has this IT Factor
Every woman has this gorgeous energy. Even if you don’t think you do, you have it indeed. It’s hidden in some corner of your soul, wanting to get out and show the world.
Being Grounded in Your Self-Love
You can possess this magical energy only if you come from a place of love. You must love yourself, including your flaws. This is even deeper than confidence. It’s easy to feel secure and happy when everything is going great in your life.
But how do you feel when things aren’t going great? Is the love you have for yourself stronger? Or does it shrivel away? When you can still be open and love yourself when things aren’t going great, you have Goddess energy. Because having faith in yourself with no evidence being shown is the stuff real faith is made of.
Be Emotionally Open
You are connected to your emotional energy. The difference between a man and woman is women are more in touch with their emotions. It’s what causes men to fall hopelessly in love. It’s what makes women good girlfriends, wives, daughters, friends, etc. A woman’s emotions can move the world.
So drop those emotional walls down. Allow your warmth to come to the surface. You don’t need to pretend to act frosty when you’re melting inside. This includes being honest to yourself, a man, or anyone else.
Keep Your Heart Open
Many times, women close their heart and shut themselves when a relationship doesn’t work out. Or a certain experience scars them. This is the time when you should keep your heart open more than ever. Don’t close yourself off from the world.
A woman with Goddess energy will not let an experience scar her view of love, truth, and all the beauty life has to offer. Instead, she will keep her heart open, even when it is cracked and she’s hurting. Because she knows the only real way to live her life is not to live it numbly, but openly, so all the beauty and miracles life has to offer can pour into her life.
Know You’re Worth It
No matter what she’s going through, a Goddess will know she IS worth it. Always. No exceptions. She knows she deserves to be in a healthy relationship and a career she feels fulfilled with.
If a situation doesn’t work, she’ll dust herself off and get up again. She won’t be petty and forgive herself and the people involved.
Magnetize Others with Being Grounded
When you are grounded, you are not afraid to take the path less taken. Even if that means not having everyone’s support. Even if that means you may lose something or a guy in your life. You make choices coming from a self-dignified place.
When you are so connected to your inner self and lead your life in a love-driven way, people and men will notice that. And they will be magnetized by that energy.
Do you tap into your Goddess energy? Please share with me in the comments.

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