Feeling sexy is not reserved to Angelina Jolie or Beyonce. It’s a quality every woman can cultivate in themselves.
Sexiness is a Feeling
Sexiness is a state of mind. It’s about being comfortable with you are. Being comfortable to be in your own skin. Not feeling like you have to put on any pretenses. Being open and connected to your emotional side.
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Being Grounded
Immerse yourself in who you are as a person. Don’t pretend to be someone else. For example: I love reading books and watching films. I like immersing myself in creativity. I don’t change that for anyone. I stay true to that aspect of my personality.
Grounded also means not compromising on your integrity and coming from a place of self-dignity. Men and the world will find you sexy for this reason.
It’s a Habit, too
Honestly, I used to think I could feel sexy only on certain occasions. Like if I was going to a party or on a date. But you should be able to feel and be sexy whenever you want. I know certain things that trigger that feeling in me and sometimes even on a normal evening after work, I do those things to evoke the feeling in me.
Say Positive Things to Yourself
Tell yourself out loud that you are gorgeous and sexy. Say it in the morning and before going to sleep. See the change.
Indulge in things you enjoy to evoke the feeling
As I mentioned earlier, I do things that evoke the feeling of sexiness in me. Sometimes, on a random evening, I’ll put on eye liner and lip gloss. I also read quotes a lot to make me feel internally confident and sexy in turn.
How do you feel sexy? Please share with me in the comments.

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