Being patient when you’re actually not is not an easy task. But patience is an underrated quality in today’s world. Instant gratification seems to become the norm today. Everyone wants everything quick!
I believe cultivating patience is an important quality and key in developing your character and the ability to let great things and people enter your life, rather than settling.
Keep A Journal
I regularly write in my journal and it helps for me to jot down how I’m feeling and what I am experiencing. As a person, fortunately, I have loads of patience, but when it came to hearing from my literary agent on whether she would represent my novel, I started feeling bouts of impatience.
The entire process took about six months from reading the first pages to a partial request to a full request to a bio request to finally hearing the great news! Gosh, I would feel swings of excitement and anxiety. I wrote in my journal to cope with my feelings.
Focus on Your Life
When you’re waiting or wanting something great to enter your life, a good way to deal with the frenzy emotional swings is by focusing on other areas of your life.
I spend time with my friends and family. I enjoy my life by going to the movies, listening to music, etc. I read books. I breathe. I simply live my life. When you’re busy, you won’t have time to think about anything else.
Let the Process Unfold
Being busy and journaling are great ways to learn to be patient. But it’s also important to realize being patient means letting the process unfold. There is a time for action and there is a time for you to step out of the way and let life takes its course.
What tools do you use to be patient? Please share with me in the comments.

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