Do you still talk to your ex boyfriend? I don’t mean once in a while, but on a daily basis. Well, I wanted to share in this post why I don’t think you should be friends with your ex boyfriend.
Keeps You in the Past
A simple reason is that you’re living in the past. There is an emotional attachment and memories attached to your ex boyfriend. No matter how mutual your break up may be, one person may be holding onto hope for the friendship to translate into a relationship in the future.
Ladies, I get it. It’s not easy when you part ways. If you really do want to get back, then staying friends is not going to help. This is the time to focus on yourself and if he truly loves you, he will chase after you and declare his love. If not, then it’s a clear signal for you to preserve your self-dignity and find a better man.
There is also the alternate situation where you have moved on, but your ex boyfriend is harboring hopes to get back together. Don’t be friends and talk daily to fuel those thoughts and doing him any good.
Stuck in an Unhealthy Relationship
If there were glaring gaps in your relationship that left you feeling empty, then don’t be friends with that person. You’ll be pulled right back into those unhealthy patterns. You need to learn to develop healthy patterns and come from a self-loving place. It’s the only way to find healthy love with a supportive partner.
Not Creating Space for a Beautiful, Uplifting Relationship
When you’re holding onto a relationship that’s clearly over through even friendship, you’re not creating the space and energy to attract a new beautiful and supportive relationship into your life. Give yourself time to heal and realize you deserve an uplifting relationship. It’s alright to keep in touch occasionally, but let yourself move forward in life.
Related: Are You Attracted to the Right Type of Man?
What are your thoughts on this subject? Please share with me in the comments.

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