Use this Time to Calm Yourself
I used to take Bart to work when I worked in San Francisco and Oakland and the commute was around 45-60 minutes one way.
I would get bored, but I started using that time to relax myself and get into a peaceful zone before reaching home.
I listened to music or closed my eyes and became still.
Be Still
I work from home now, so thankfully I have no commute! But when I drive around to run my errands or go home to my parents, I listen to soothing music and relax my shoulders.
I look at the sky and trees when I’m stopped at a red light. I even look at the people in the other cars! I actually notice things I wouldn’t notice otherwise! Like the beautiful flowers outside and cute kids and dogs in the car next to me!
Let Your Thoughts Simmer
When I’m driving, my thoughts are running around like crazy. I’m thinking about what happened minutes before and then I’m thinking about what to do next. Instead, let your thoughts simmer and flow naturally in your head.
When you’re driving, don’t look behind you or too up ahead. You look exactly at what is in front of you. Treat your thoughts like this. Just let it float around and focus on how you’re feeling at the time and let that energy run through your body.
How do you use your driving time? Please share with me in the comments.

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