It’s only one week away and I’m already feeling excited at just the mere thought of it!
I Bought the Massage a Month Ago
A Living Social deal popped up in my email inbox a month ago. I have spent this year getting things on track for my family, working, and obsessively polishing and tweaking my query letter and synopsis.
I feel Really Proud of My Progress
Overall, this year has been productive. I’m happy with where I am right now. But it’s also clearly obvious that I feel overworked. My body and heart are craving letting go and relaxation.
My energy and body has been feeling tight and constricted lately. Lots of new things happened in my life, but it also took a lot of my physical and emotional energy.
Time for Relaxing and Indulging…
I listened to my heart’s desire and decided to honor it. When the massage deal popped in my inbox, I bought it within minutes.
I owned my desire and listened to what my body wanted. Also, it’s my way of treating myself for all the great work I’ve done this year. Often, you don’t need to hear from someone else that you’re doing great work. If you feel you are, then you can pamper yourself! Give yourself a gift!
Next Saturday, November 1st is my massage. In next weekend’s post, I’ll keep you posted what the experience was like 🙂
Related: Start Receiving More and Questioning Less
Have you decided to do something for yourself? Please share with me in the comments.

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