“I’ve come to realize, there are a lot of ordinary things in life. But two things should be extraordinary. What you do for a living and love. Otherwise, what’s the point?” – Alan Nicolaisen in Enchanted Silence
The next couple weeks, I am featuring quotes from my novel Enchanted Silence. I am so thrilled to share my personal take on them!
I was a Dreamer since Childhood
If you know me personally, I can be fun loving and laid back. I’ll be down with a good time and having new experiences, but you’ll rarely see my emotions on open display.
I don’t do it deliberately, it’s just the way I am. Part of being a Taurean I suppose. My emotions are buried deep in me. Perhaps that’s why writing and anything creative is very therapeutic and spiritual to me.
I feel completely comfortable saying this now, but I always dreamed of living an extraordinary life. I didn’t even know what that meant when I was a kid. I just knew I didn’t want to spend my days going to office, coming home, planting my feet on the coffee table, and watching television every night.
Being with the Love of Your Life and Living an Inspired Life
I’m a good daughter, sister, friend, etc. I do what is expected of me, but I did make a promise with myself when I was a child that I would never compromise on two things: Marriage and what I do for a living.
I would marry the man of my choice, whether anyone else was happy or not. And I wanted to spend every moment of my life doing what I loved. Doing what made me feel whole and loved. There are a lot of ordinary things in life, but some things should be special. What’s the point of life otherwise?
Related: When I Told a Guy I Liked Him in College – My Experience
Do you feel you have an extraordinary life and love? What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments!

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