I used to believe that the only way to move forward or make progress was to do so much constantly that I was gasping for air.
I thought getting work done and being productive meant I had to have hectic schedules. But that only caused me to withdraw. I felt confused and overwhelmed.
I Was Exhausted…
I didn’t have any energy. But I did it because I started to feel an itch when I had some free time. I had to fill that space with being busy.
I had to feel productive by having crazy schedules!
I Was Not Satisfied and Had No Creative Spark
I could lie to others, but I couldn’t lie to myself when I would sleep at night or look at myself in the mirror. The truth was that I didn’t feel satisfied in my life. I wasn’t enjoying my life.
Another thing? There was no spark. I didn’t feel alive. Being a creative person, I realized that I needed to create time and space for my creativity to spark. I needed to feel those fireworks in my mind and heart.
But it wouldn’t happen if I didn’t give myself time and space to feel it. The odd thing was once I started to create blank spaces on my calendar, I got more done. But I also enjoyed more 🙂
Have you had this experience? How did you create a shift in living a more love-fueled life that caused you to feel more alive? Please share with me in the comments.

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