Do you over think or over analyze? Or do you know a friend who does this? Well, here are some ways to stop doing this so you can live more in the now and enjoy your life!
Accept that You Do This
The way you can heal this is to accept you over think or over analyze in the first place. This is the only way you can make changes. Be proud of yourself when you accept it.
Forgive Yourself
Don’t beat yourself up for letting the same thought circle your head over and over. What’s the point? Then, you’re just over thinking about over thinking! Be gentle towards yourself when you’re trying to change this habit.
Breathe and Let Go
Think about why you obsess over something or someone. Why can’t you let it go? Is it because you’re afraid of not being in control? Do you feel you can change the outcome by obsessing over it? Pause and breathe. Let go. Accept.
Make Yourself Busy
A simple way to avoid over thinking is to make yourself busy. Focus your thoughts elsewhere.
Practice Being Comfortable with Your Thoughts
Most of all, practice being comfortable with all sorts of thoughts entering your head. Accept you have doubts and fears. Why can’t they just swim in and out of your head? You don’t need to pay any attention to them.
What are some ways you stop yourself when you start over thinking? Please share with me in the comments.

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