“If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price.” – Unknown
You should ask yourself what value you place upon yourself. Do you believe highly in your potential? Or do you believe you’re not worthy enough? These are extremely crucial questions to ask. They determine every action you take and also determine the course your life takes.
The World Will Believe What You Believe
The world will not increase your value if you don’t believe you’re worthy in the first place. The world is not going to tell you that you’re worthy of life’s beauties and miracles. Only you can believe that.
The world will believe exactly what you believe in yourself. Others will treat you and deem you deserving of exactly what you feel about yourself.
Believe in Your Best
Believe that you deserve all the gifts life has to offer you. You deserve to be with someone who uplifts you. You deserve to have a fulfilling job. You deserve to be happy.
When you start believing this strongly, you’ll notice how others look at you differently. They will treat you with respect and believe in your best – simply because you feel this way towards yourself.
What value do you place upon yourself? Please share with me in the comments.

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