Self-talk is the talking you do with yourself in your own head. It’s kind of like your own internal news segment running in your head every second of the day.
You may even say some of your internal thoughts out loud to yourself or others. It’s a natural part of you, that you may not even have noticed what kind of things you’re saying to yourself.
Feel More Supported and Loved
It’s important to pay attention to your self-talk because your self-talk is directly linked to how you support yourself and what you think about yourself. It’s a driving force to either bringing you down or lifting you up.
Let me give you an example: if you happen to trip at a party and everyone stares at you, what do you say to yourself at that moment? Do you tell yourself: You’re an idiot! You can’t do anything right. Or do you say, Sheesh, that was embarrassing! I can’t believe I did that. Whatever, it happens.
World of Difference
There is a world of difference between these two thoughts. Although this example may sound trivial, this is actually indicative of what you do to support yourself during challenging periods.
Here are 2 Important Steps for Positive Self-Talk:
Stop Trying to Control the Thoughts
You’re thinking dozens of thoughts at the same time. Have you noticed that the more you try to control something, the more it gets out of hand? So drop the control. The less you struggle and resist, you’ll start to notice a beautiful space where you can make a shift.
Drop the Judgment
A thought is just a thought. If a negative thought rolls into your head, relax and let it go. Feel good that you recognized it. Learn to shift to positive thoughts the next time.
Does your self-talk support and guide you? How do you drop the control with your self-talk? Please share with me in the comments.

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