This is a question I asked myself several times.
The Answer is YES!
The answer to this question is definitely a big YES! I am crazy to be following my dream of writing a novel, but I feel immense happiness and pride in doing so.
When I started saying yes to my desires, I listened to my inner desires and heart. I started to live life in a love-driven way, instead of a fear-driven way like most do.
Related: Make the Most of Your 20s – What You Do Matters
My Personal Growth
I grew so much when I followed my dreams. When you stretch yourself to go beyond your comfort zone, you learn what you are capable of. You learn nuggets of wisdom. Some that you already knew, but through experience you actually FEEL this wisdom.
You’ll Stop Dreaming Altogether if You Don’t Follow Your Dreams…
If you don’t follow your dreams now, then you probably won’t ever do so. You’ll stop dreaming altogether. You’ll lose your idealism and live a numb life.
Along the way, there are many tears of joy and even sometimes sadness. But imagine you are a living a full life as a human being.
Nothing in the World Would’ve been Invented if People weren’t Crazy…
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, President Obama, and many more would not have been known in the world. Magic happens only to those who dare to believe in magic.
You have to be a little crazy to want to follow your dream, otherwise you’ll give into the supposed million practical reasons on why not to do something. Bill Gates would’ve never founded Microsoft, Steve Jobs would’ve never created the iPhone, and President Obama would’ve never became the president of the United States if they hadn’t dared to dream.
How are you following your dream? Please share with me in the comments!

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