It’s not easy to find someone you genuinely care about and love. And if that person loves you back unconditionally, then don’t let that person go! But too many times, I don’t see this. Instead, I see the exact opposite.
Don’t Let Your Fears and Insecurities Come in the Way
It’s alright if you have fears about love and relationships. No one really knows what’s going to happen. No one knows everything hundred percent. But everyday, there are millions of people taking chances in love.
The successful marriages that you see around you, they couldn’t predict the future and know for sure whether they would still be together. These couples must have had fears, but they didn’t let them get in the way.
Take Your Ego Out of the Equation
Sometimes, people find the perfect person for themselves. That person physically, emotionally, and mentally fulfills and stimulates them in every way. But then their head gets in the way. Maybe that person’s age, status, money, or job is not what you expected. And then they’re willing to throw everything away between them because that one variable is not perfect.
Is it really worth throwing away a beautiful, uplifting relationship that satisfies you on every level just because of one irrelevant reason? The other stuff doesn’t really matter if trust and love are there.
Related: The Spiritual Lessons I learned from My Relationships
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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