When you are going through the challenges, you become sucked into them. You only think about the frustration it brings you. You think about the confusion. I have had my fair share of challenges. At the time, I wondered why things happened the way they did. I was left with no answers.
Have Faith Your Challenges Happened for a Reason
A lot has happened in the last couple years with my family and in my personal life. I have bounced around from job to job, not feeling any satisfaction.
I felt stuck and couldn’t understand why my life wasn’t moving forward the way I expected. Until much later, those same challenges became blessings. I didn’t know it at the time, but every moment and experience has contributed to the person I’ve become today.
Look at the Silver Lining
The glass can be either half empty or half full. How do you choose to look at it? It’s entirely your choice. I have made the choice to look at the positive. I can’t change the events or the past, but I can control my response.
Trust, Trust, and Surrender!
In the end, there is nothing anyone can do except to trust the Universe and surrender to its mysterious yet magical process. Things unfold for a reason. For reasons unknown to us.
Related: What Consciousness Are You Inheriting from Your Family?
How do you feel about the challenges in your life? Please share with me in the comments.

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