Some girls love it when their boyfriend is possessive. It means he cares and loves her. But what if your boyfriend takes it too far? When his possessiveness takes on a threatening and controlling tone, then it’s time to do something about it.
Keep An Eye for Signs of Possessiveness
How does he exactly behave when he is possessive? What does he do? How does his tone and voice change? Observe these responses closely. You’ll start to notice what triggers that behavior. Is it for a specific person he becomes this way? Or anyone you spend time with in general?
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Talk It Out
Sit down and have a conversation with him. Tell him how you feel. Make him understand how much you love him and care for him. If it’s about a guy or specific person, then perhaps have a lunch or coffee with that person and your boyfriend, so he can understand your relationship with that person.
Make Him Busy and Spend Quality Time With Him
After the conversation, make an effort to spend quality time with him. Give him your complete attention. Keep him busy with activities he loves to do with you, so his mind won’t dwell on those possessive thoughts and doubts.
Be Firm, If Need Be
If your boyfriend is taking it too far, then it’s time for you to be firm and direct. If he’s not giving you any space or telling you what to wear or controlling other aspects of your life, you need to tell him that you do not like it and that it hurts you.
Consider the Option of Breaking Up
If this type of behavior persists or even overlaps into harassment, then it’s time for you to consider breaking up with him for good.
Have you ever been in this situation? How did you deal with a possessive boyfriend or husband? Please share with me in the comments.

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