Take a chance. Take a leap of faith. Your daring moments change you and guide you to evolve into your higher self.
Daring Moments are Turning Points of Your Life
These moments pose choices for you. One choice may represent the “already done” and is within your comfort zone. The other choice means taking a gigantic leap of faith even though you have no idea what’s going to happen.
But that other choice also means you will venture out of your comfort zone. It’ll change your life completely.
Making Choices While on the Edge of Fear
It’s much easier to take the easy choice. Take the easy way out. Stay in your comfort zone.
But you don’t move forward in life. There is no transformation. When you say yes to your desires despite the fear of the unknown, a turning point happens. An inner shift occurs.
Daring Moments Change Your Life Forever
Nothing happens until you don’t make the life-altering decision. Your love-driven energy is calling you to something higher. It’s asking you to trust everything is going to go well despite you not knowing what’s going to happen.
You may have had several daring moments in your life already. And you will be faced with more. Mine has been going to college and living in the dorms. Going to India alone for a month on a film and media internship. Most recently this year, submitting my novel to literary agents. These daring moments change you inside. They make you realize what your highest potential is.
Related: Un-Becoming Who I Am to Become What I am Meant to Be
What is your daring moment? How did it change you and create a shift in your life? Please share with me in the comments.

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