Do you have a boyfriend you wanted to hide from your parents? I have known friends who have done this. Heck, I have done this before as well. I am not approving this nor am I condoning this. All I am saying is this can be a reality and it can happen.
From personal experience, I can tell you this is very time-consuming and can become messy. Initially, you may get a thrill out of it. But when too much time passes and the more serious your relationship becomes, hiding your boyfriend fills you with nervousness and anxiety.
Having said that, the older I get, the more I realize there are is no black or white in life. Only grays…
Think Deeply About Your Decision of Hiding Your Relationship
A relationship is intense. You may fall deeply in love with your boyfriend and he may be in love with you. If you are in the beginning stage of your relationship and wasn’t sure about your feelings and decided to hide your boyfriend to figure out your feelings, that’s fine. But think about this decision carefully. Understand the pros and cons associated with it.
Maybe your parents won’t approve of him because of an age difference or you’re from different backgrounds. Whatever the reason, you’re hiding him because your parents will not approve of him. I’m not saying this is the right solution, but if it feels right for you at the time, then do it responsibly.
Make Sure You’re on the Same Page as Your Boyfriend
When you take the decision of hiding your relationship, have an open discussion with your guy. Make sure you two are on the same page. Stories I heard from my girlfriends and even something I can tell you personally is that hiding your relationship can take a toll on you both. This is why it’s even more important to talk the decision out.
Set a Time Limit
Be realistic about hiding him. Understand you can’t hide him forever. There will have to come a day when you will need to develop the courage and tell your parents about him. Set a timeline for when you want to tell your parents. The longer you take, the more you two will become pressure cookers.
Have a Good and Trusted Friend
I had my best friend to confide everything to. I would highly suggest having a close and trusted friend with whom you can share your experiences of hiding your relationship. Someone who you know will support you unconditionally and you can lean on because this won’t be a smooth ride. Also, she can give you good advice and help you to develop the courage to tell your parents about your relationship.
After all, when you fall in love, don’t be embarrassed about it. Being in a relationship is a beautiful thing and you can love your parents and be with him at the same time. You don’t need to let go of one or the other. You can respectfully disagree with your parents and still fulfill your responsibilities as a daughter and yet remain true to yourself and be with the man you love.
Have you ever hidden a boyfriend from your family? How did you feel? Please share with me in the comments.

my parents just found out about my bf and im gonna keep seeing him even though my parents hate him any advice??????