“When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life. ~Eckhart Tolle
Not know what’s going to happen? Do you feel scared? If your answer is yes to both questions, then you are not alone! Uncertainty keeps rocking every corner of your life. You have no idea where you’re heading. And well, it’s kind of freaking you out!
Feeling Deep Sense of Fulfillment in the Present Moment
Uncertainty doesn’t have to be something scary and avoided. It can be exciting and something you can look forward to.
Growing up, I was always afraid of any uncertainty. It probably created some of that control freak part of me. I used to shake in nerve wracking fear about what’s to come.
I learned from experience and through my self development work that it could be the opposite. I could find a deep sense of peace and happiness in the moment I have now. I could fully immerse myself and enjoy that moment.
Related: Show Your New Vibration and Receive Miracles
Accept Uncertainty Wholeheartedly
By making the most of the present moment, you are accepting uncertainty. You are accepting there are infinite possibilities available. You make yourself open to them.
When you are too busy thinking or analyzing or freaking out, you’re closing yourself off to the infinite possibilities.
Let the Universe Show You The Way
The Universe knows better than you can at times. You don’t need to know when or how. You can let the Universe show you the way.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments!

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