“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”
I am feeling this way a lot now. The last couple weeks, I can feel my life heading into a different direction. In the direction I have always wanted. I know life is listening to me now.
It’s a really strange feeling. And then I saw this quote at the perfect time. It is describing exactly what I am feeling.
My Fears and Old Ways are Peeling Away to Reveal a Brand New Priyanka Yadvendu
I am unbecoming who I was, so I can be the most authentic version of myself.
I can feel my fears peeling away. I can feel the old ways of thinking just falling to the ground. They must absolutely go. It’s the only way to call the greater and beauty into my life.
2014 Was About Creating Space…
I took care many things for my family and myself this year. I created emotional and energetic space so more happiness, money, and prosperity could fill up my space. I am now feeling that next year lots of new, beautiful experiences are going to drop into my life. I am going to finally live aligned to my highest truth.
I am Now Diving Into Stillness
I am deliberately letting myself quiet down this time of the year. I am intentionally listening to guided meditation tracks and stilling my mind. I am spending the majority of my time cooking in solitude and clearing up my social schedule so I can spend this time with myself. I need my creativity to spark. I want to feel alive again. I want my heart to speak with me.
Because whenever my heart speaks to me, it whispers to me exactly what I need every moment. And now, I am asking it to guide me to the next level of my life next year. I want the perfect opportunities and relationships to drop into my life.
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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