Feeling burnt out? Feeling exhausted? I am feeling pretty tired at this moment. I planned to do another item on my to-do list this week, but the truth is my body is humming with exhaustion.
The old me would’ve still kept pushing on. With sleepy eyes, I would have jumped and done the next task.
Start With Your Body
But jumping and doing something doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. When you feel this way, really listen to your body. What does it want?
Does it want to go outside and gaze at the sky? Do you want to sleep? Do you want to eat comfort food? Do you want to still your mind and meditate?
Simple Steps Make Lasting Changes
If you answered yes to any of those questions, then what are you waiting for? Go and do them! Your body’s response is a signal to you. To slow down. To let go. To recharge your batteries and become connected to your heart and soul.
All these things sound so simple. They sound too easy. Really, will I feel better? Will I become rejuvenated? Oh gosh, the answer is a big, big YES! Honor your body and heart’s desires.
Whenever You Feel Overwhelmed or Tired, Just Slow Down
Slow down and schedule time into your week and month consciously. The more you take care of yourself, the more you will be present in your relationship, workplace, and home!
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments.

Priyanka, thanks for this.
Hi Tienny! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Hope you’re having a beautiful weekend 🙂