“Strong emotions such as passion and bliss are indications that you’re connected to Spirit, or ‘inspired,’ if you will. When you’re inspired, you activate dormant forces, and the abundance you seek in any form comes streaming into your life.” – Wayne Dyer
The first print copy of my debut novel Enchanted Silence landed in my mailbox. I excitedly took the package and tore it in a hurry. There it was. The official print book in my delicate hands.
Tears suddenly rolled down my cheeks. My fingers gently touched the cover. The book looked magnificent. A deep throbbing rocked my chest. My dream had finally been realized. And then all excitement washed away.
Memories flooded my head of how this book was completed. The man with whom I had been in an intense relationship with for four years helped bring this book to fruition. In love at the time, we sat together at coffee shops going through page by page and perfecting it.
It was how I fell in love with him. Our relationship and him greatly inspired Enchanted Silence. I couldn’t bring myself to print the first copy for months because it was too painful. I lived most of the events in it. I had always imagined we would still be together holding the first copy in our hands happily married.
That didn’t happen. A lot changed in my life since our relationship. I went through a deep unraveling and surrendering, peeling away layer after layer to reveal the authentic Priyanka. I had come so far in my life. I had finally let go of this relationship and was ready to move forward in my life.
Then, an inkling of courage stirred in me. I had to love this book as my own child. And I had to let it go with love and respect and mark official completion of that whole phase in my life. I had to stop clinging to my past and instead embrace the present and my new future.
I lit candles and played soft music. I poured myself a glass of wine and took a sip. I lit a gentle fire safely and burned every page of Enchanted Silence until there wasn’t any as tear after tear rolled down my cheeks.
When I completed the release ritual to let go of my novel lovingly, I sat down in exhaustion. But something had changed in me. I felt free. I felt space in me. I felt open. I was ready to turn the page and onto the next chapter of my life.
If you’d like to do a release ritual or ceremony to help you release something or someone in your life, here is what you can do:
- Set a morning or evening on your calendar for the release ritual.
I personally love to do release rituals in the evening, sometimes even late in the night. I’m not a morning person and for some reason, the night feels divine and sensual and sexy to me.
After I go through my day, I find it comforting to complete my day with a beautiful ritual. I feel a sense of wholeness and deep connection to my spirit and then I go to sleep.
- Prepare a loving environment for your release ritual.
I light candles everywhere and prepare a cup of tea to soothe and calm nerves and have a peaceful ritual. Other times, I pour myself a cup of wine to sip on as I go through my release ritual and give it a more sensual mood.
It all depends on how I’m feeling and I let my body tell me what it wants. Play music that suits your mood.
- Write your intention in your journal.
This is one of the most important steps. It is essential that you have an intention in mind for your ritual. What do you want to release? Why do you want to release it? What are you making space for? How do you want to feel when you release?
When I decided to release my novel Enchanted Silence, I wanted to let go of the novel I spent many years writing and was still attached to.
- Write in detail and to your heart’s content.
Write as long as you need to in your journal or letter. I go in depth about how I’m feeling. After I have the intention written, everything else flows. The words come from the depths of my soul.
Let your heart guide the words and your feeling.
- Burn the letter in a safe place.
This is the crux of the release ritual. I burn the letter in a safe place and watch the sheet(s) of paper burn away. There is something deeply divine about this process. It gives you a sense of completion and accomplishment.
- Celebrate the release ritual and the new space created in your life.
Congratulations! You have now officially completed the ritual and created sacred space in your life for what you’d like to draw in. Celebrate what you have created and how you have released it with a whole lot of love and kindness and most of all, respect.
Honor what you have released because it was a part of your life and who you were and has led to where you are today.
What would you like to lovingly let go of in your release ritual? How do you want to feel afterwards? What would you like to invite into your life after your release? Please share with me in the comments.
Image source: weheartit.com

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