The goal is to not eliminate your blocks and fears completely. The point is have more self-awareness and clear your blocks and fears, so you can move forward with beauty and flow.
Here is an easy step-by-step guide to deal with and release your fears:
Be Aware of Your Fears and Blocks
The first step as I’ve mentioned is to be aware of them. The only way you can deal with them is to first be conscious of them.
Pay close attention to them and how you feel. Ask yourself questions gently: What are you scared of? What fears arise in your heart and mind?
What You Focus On Expands
It’s natural to have fears. But when you spend a ton of your energy and attention on it, then you’re giving it more importance than it should. It becomes more real in your head. Remember whatever you pay attention to expands.
Fear is a Closed Energy – Connect to Love
Fear is a limited, closed energy and prevents you from connecting to your beauty and natural gifts. Fear stops you from connecting to the infinite source – to the part of who you are.
Instead, use love to connect to your heart and soul. It will cause you to trust and surrender more easily.
Bring Yourself to the Present Moment
You over think or over analyze when fear gets in the way. You start having what if scenarios and a million cases play in your head at the same time. Instead of beating yourself up about the past or living in the future, bring yourself back to to the present moment. It’s the only moment in front of you and that’s all you need to pay attention to.
Feel the Body Sensation
When you feel fear, your body responds to it. Your throat will tighten up. Your chest and shoulders will become tense. You’ll feel a nervous energy humming through out your body. The best way to do this is to zero your attention on the part of your body that is reacting. Feel the sensation completely, so you can shake it off and clear the block and fear.
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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