Are you always striving for more? Are you looking to fill your plate up with action items? If you answered yes to these questions, it means you are not satisfied with where you are right now.
This Comes From a Place of Fear
This type of thinking comes from a place of fear. It means you’re not happy where you are and so you try to take more action. So you strive to do more because you want to fill up that place of fear and emptiness by tacking on more items to your to do list.
Stop Pushing and Do More Accepting
You’ll identify with what I’m saying especially if you’re in a transition period. I’ll give you a simple example. Suppose you want to start an online business. You’re working full-time while developing your business part-time.
You need to come from a place of love and acceptance. Love where you are. Show gratitude for where you are right now in life because it is exactly where are meant to be. Accept where you are right now.
When you connect to your inner love, you’ll feel a deep sense of satisfaction, not when your goals are actualized, but it will be a inner state of being. And that will ultimately manifest you bigger and better situations and relationships.
Related: The Universe Drops You Little Notes!
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