When you make a decision and things don’t turn out the way you wanted, you end up being hard on yourself. You beat yourself up for your wrong decisions. But would you have made this decision if you had known any better? I don’t think so.
Related: My Friend Wrote Letters of Forgiveness to Everyone in Her Past
Mistakes are the Best Teachers
I personally learned to let go of perfection and embrace my mistakes.
When anyone makes a decision, they do their best with the resources and information available at hand. But if it doesn’t turn out the best way, look at your mistakes differently.
Start viewing them as major learning experiences. They can teach you loads of wisdom.
Let Go of Perfection
There was a time when I went through the motions of my life. I had set the bar so impossibly high that I wasn’t having any fun or enjoyment.
Instead, I learned to let go of perfection. I started to trust the process. I started to view my experiences as beautiful teachers filled with wisdom and goodness. So it didn’t matter how it turned out – they were a part of my journey. It’s how I really started living my life.
Your 20s Are a Good Time!
Your 20s are the perfect time to experiment and make mistakes. A lot of what I know and share with you is because I have experienced them myself. The wisdom and lessons comes because I have made mistakes myself.
How do you see the good in your wrong decisions? Please share with me in the comments.

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