Dropping into your heart space allows you to be more connected to your inner guidance. Sometimes, I get so carried away with the day to day that I forget to do things that help me become relaxed and be in my natural state – happiness.
Breathe and Be Still
Take deep breathes and loosen your shoulders. Close your eyes and relax. Let your mind’s thoughts flutter in and out. Don’t force anything. Just be still and go with the flow. Breathing helps you to focus only on the moment in front of you and hence drop into your heart space.
Notice How You Feel When You Love Someone or Something Unconditionally
When I write, I feel this peaceful energy fill me. As cheesy as it sounds, I feel really alive. I can feel every pore of my body bubbling with happiness. Or think about a loved one and how you feel. Tap into those feelings. Because when you feel those feelings, then you’re connected to that love-fueled energy.
Have Fun and Be Silly
Be silly with your friend or even by yourself. As I’m writing this, I am smiling to myself. It’s a Friday night and I didn’t go anywhere, but I feel blissful. Just moments before, I twirled and did a little dance in my kitchen as I cooked a meal!
Fill Your Days with Moments that Create Love
Happiness is the natural state of your being. You may not realize that enough, I know I didn’t, but start to do more things that bring you happiness.
Trust Even when Not Knowing
Most of all, feel peaceful even when you don’t know what’s going to happen. Trusting is living from your heart space.
Related: The Beauty of Simplifying Your Life
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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