Through my own experiences, I realize how much the past holds us back. It’s like an anchor preventing us from moving forward. But life keeps ticking away every second, right? Every moment we spend in the past, life still keeps taking us forward.
Clearing Out the Old
It may feel like life is not leaving you any choice. It may feel like life is trying to trap you. But what if life was looking out for you? Trying to have your back all the time. What if you accepted whatever life gave you with open arms? What if life knew better than you and you surrendered in its arms?
Life keeps moving forward and you too must move with it. This is life’s way to let old things and relationships fall away so more beauty can flow into your life.
Creating Space
This is life’s way of creating space. How will newer and more beautiful things come into your life if there is no space? When you try to hold onto something or someone tightly with all your force, that person or thing probably shouldn’t belong in your life. And it also means life is trying to show you to let go so it can allow greatness to flow in.
Moving Forward
Don’t live in the past. Every morning you wake up is a beautiful beginning. No matter what happened, it’s always in your hands to be happy and feel fulfilled.
Allowing New Relationships and Greatness to Fill Your Life
The only way for new relationships and greatness to fill your life is to let go of the past. Don’t let your past define, but don’t forget it. Look back with a smile and realize it was a gift then. But now, it no longer serves you and take the wisdom from your past to feel happy in your present.
Related: Your Thoughts Attract Your Reality – Become a Vibrational Magnet
Why is letting go of your past important to you? Please share with me in the comments.

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