If you ask me how I feel about myself sexually, then I can give you a pretty clear, comfortable answer today. I am an extremely sexual person and love that side of me. But when I was in college and my early twenties, there was a shame and embarrassment around my sexuality.
A large part of it had to do with growing up in an Indian family. There was no talk about sex and so I discovered my views on it on my own. Here are some ways I helped myself become more comfortable with my sexuality:
Being Sexual is a Decision
Before you can do any of the steps I mention next, you will have to make the decision to be sexual. It has to be a truthful decision because only then can you look at your sexuality in a healthy way.
Take a Mirror and Look Down There
You’ll never learn about your tastes and preferences until you don’t see what’s down there. Your private parts are a beautiful part of your body. In your privacy, take a mirror and look what’s there. Develop a healthy curiosity.
Get Some Sexy Clothes!
Sexy clothes can mean lingerie. But it doesn’t have to be limited to only this. Go to the mall or shop online for whatever connects to your sexual taste. What turns you on? What makes you feel like a woman? What makes you feel uninhibited? It could even be as simple as wearing a T-Shirt and strolling around your place.
Self-Pleasure is Normal and Highly Recommended
Women who display sexual confidence are often those who have explored their bodies. They understand their needs and wants in detail. They are well aware of their sexual preferences. And one of the best ways to do this is to practice the art of self-pleasure (or masturbating).
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